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Let’s talk facts.

Business performance is driven by human performance.

Humans are driven by energy. And energy is driven by mindset.

That’s why an investment in mind and energy coaching is an investment in the bottom line.

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These statements are grounded in research.

According to The Global Coaching Study, commissioned by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)2


of coaching clients report improved work performance


report improved self-confidence


report improved relationships

If you love social science as much as I do, head on over to my sources page.

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My coach training program, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), is particularly applicable to businesses, because it focuses on energy – and energy is at the root of engagement, motivation, productivity and morale.

As an iPEC certified coach, I work with high achieving professionals to manage their mindset and elevate their energy to amplify their development and contribute in a meaningful way to their company culture.


 Elevated professionals operate with clarity, purpose and passion.

They engage in meaningful, productive and innovative ways to their work streams and empower and support colleagues to do the same. In fact, shifting from predominantly low to high levels of energy through coaching has been shown to increase engagement at work by as much as 51%.³

Elevated professionals create elevated cultures.

Individual energetic gains have far-reaching benefits, because of the extent to which employees influence each other and contribute to the collective company culture. Companies with elevated energy have a competitive advantage, because they’re dynamic, reflective, strategic and constantly evolving.⁴

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 “When I started my coaching engagement, I was in a pretty dark place in terms of how I felt about my job, professional skills and any future prospects.

Life felt like a constant uphill battle and I was exhausted and completely burned out. As awful as that sounds, it’s what brought me to ask for coaching, and I am happy to report that coaching has helped me turn this all around.

Today, I feel happy and healthy and, most importantly, I feel like I have choices and tools to help me get through whatever obstacles life throws my way.

Julie has truly been a godsend in my life. Through her coaching, I came to examine how and why I was depleted. The coaching delves into the questions of where, how and why we expend energy the way that we do and examine whether what we are doing is serving us in meeting our goals. But that’s just the first step.

The coaching process allowed me to step outside of what had been my energy depleting status quo and examine and implement other options, that would better serve me and my goals. In many cases, options that I didn’t even realize existed for me.

I wish that all associates could get coaching because I truly believe everyone can and would benefit from it. But, at the very least, I have found coaching to be an invaluable tool as someone from a minority racial group and an underrepresented social class in a Big Law corporate environment. Many times, the culture operates under unspoken rules and people like me have to build networks from scratch in order to learn these rules.

Since my coaching engagement began, I have found and developed four extremely valuable mentoring relationships at the firm. I thank coaching for this. I had no mentors before coaching and, since finding these mentors, my quality of life has vastly improved.”

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I work with businesses in two ways: 

Individual Coaching

I work with professionals to manage their mindset, elevate their energy and optimize their potential. Each engagement includes an assessment, goal-setting process and private coaching sessions – designed to help professionals gain clarity on where they are, envision where they’d like to be and bridge the gap between the two. Throughout the process, clients explore how to effectively respond to stress and become more empowered and meaningful contributors to their company culture.

Group Coaching

Business environments are energetic ecosystems – they can be filled with toxic energy that foments distrust and erodes morale or sustaining energy that fuels collaboration, innovation and growth. Through group coaching, I help professionals develop dynamic and supportive relationships that lay the foundation for an optimal energetic ecosystem. Head over to my group coaching page to see how this offering can help elevate the energy within your business.

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All of my programs are bespoke and specifically tailored to your team or business needs. Please tell me about your situation and challenges. I look forward to building an approach that works for you.

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