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Premium 1:1 Mindset and Energy Coaching

I offer laser focused, no nonsense coaching to high achievers who are ready to embark on a conscious climb. Click on the + signs below to learn more about each phase of a premium coaching engagement.


Premium Package: How it Works

Click on the + to learn about each phase of the premium coaching package

Discovery Session

Each coaching engagement begins with a complementary discovery session, during which I learn about you, you learn about my coaching approach and, together, we assess fit.

 What will I be looking for? I need to know that you’re ready and willing to embark on a journey of introspection and growth – to learn how your mind and energy are working for or against you and to learn how to best position yourself for success. 

The discovery call may be our first encounter, so I understand that you may be a little skeptical – and even have some self-protective walls up. I’m not asking for immediate and implicit trust. As a coach, it’s my job to create a safe space and, in time, to earn your trust. I simply want to know that you’re open to the process.

What will you be looking for? Only you’ll be able to answer that. But I can assure you that I won’t make false promises or try and persuade you if you’re hesitant. My coaching practice is grounded in integrity – and requires mutual respect and transparency from the start.

Assessment & Debrief

You may feel blocked, but don’t know why. You feel that something is missing, but don’t know what. You may be intrigued by coaching, but don’t know how it would be most useful for you. And, if you’re like most of my clients, this – in itself – may be stressing you out.

High achievers feel compelled to make the most of every opportunity, and coaching is no exception. That’s why I start each coaching engagement with an assessment that takes seemingly intangible feelings and concepts and distills them into an accessible format. The assessment is called the Energy Leadership Index™ (ELI) and, as a Certified Master Practitioner, I’m pleased to offer it as a standalone service, too.

The ELI is an attitudinal assessment that measures how your beliefs, perceptions and energy impact how you show up and the results you achieve, personally and professionally. The ELI generates a high-level snapshot of your energetic profile under typical circumstances and your energetic reaction to stress.

ELI assessment results require interpretation and are, on their own, of limited practical value. The accompanying debrief is key. It’s during our debrief that you’ll gain insight into your default tendencies and patterns of behavior – and how they’re either propelling you forward or holding you back from complete engagement, fulfillment and success. You’ll cultivate awareness about how you either react or respond to stressful circumstances (subtle variation in language, but substantial difference in practice).

And, once we incorporate mindset work, you’ll start to uncover how to create powerful energy shifts, expand possibilities and reach your goals.

Goal-Setting Session

If you’re a high achiever, you may feel like you’re on a hamster wheel – running in circles, with no end in sight. That’s why all of my coaching engagements include a goal-setting process. We’ll work together to visualize and then crystalize your optimal destination, based on your ambitions and the insights we glean from your assessment. Many of my clients report feeling empowered by the goal-setting process, because seeing initially amorphous goals in print makes them feel more attainable – and that’s a critical first step in turning rhetoric into reality.

Coaching Sessions

During the goal-setting process, I’ll help you gain clarity on your goals. And, through coaching, I’ll help you get there.

The primary focus of our work together will be recalibrating your inner dialogue. I will be leaning in, listening intently to the stories you tell yourself and helping you cultivate an awareness of your inner experience so that you can identify and release detrimental mental noise – noise that leads to draining and destructive energy, distorted perspectives, fractured focus and default patterns of behavior that are keeping you from your goals. 

How do I know that you have debilitating mental noise? Most people do. According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has 12,000 - 60,000 thoughts per day. 95% of those thoughts are the same as the previous day – and 80% are negative.¹ For the most part, this is happening on a subconscious level and, because research shows that your brain ‘on positive’ is more productive than your brain at negative or neutral – and that success follows happiness (not the other way around) – it’s worth getting ahold of those thoughts.⁵ 

I will then help you learn how to manage your mind to elevate your energy, so that you’re best positioned to get a hold of internal blocks, most effectively navigate external blocks, and move toward your goals with a purpose-driven narrative. 

Is it really that easy? It’s actually much easier said than done. It requires disentangling deeply ingrained thoughts that have been internalized to such an extent that most people don’t realize how they’re shaping their perspectives and experiences. With my clinical background and coach training, I’ll help you uncover blind spots you never knew you always had – and, together, through consistent focus, support and accountability, we’ll leverage the brain’s neuroplasticity and rewire your thoughts to elevate your energy and position you for success.

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“Before I started professional coaching with Julie, I was feeling helpless and directionless. In addition to some of the external and situational circumstances and experiences that were hindering me from feeling like I was developing into the lawyer and person I wanted to be, I knew there was something internal that was stopping me from being my best, most productive and most confident self.

I knew that I wanted things to change, but I couldn’t identify the exact roadblocks and obstacles that I was facing, let alone identify my goals. I didn’t know where or how to start…

Then, I started working with Julie. I didn’t quite understand what professional coaching was but I knew that some of my colleagues had positive experiences and I was intrigued, so I figured I’d give it a shot. We’re now midway into the process and I can confidently say that this experience has changed, and is continuing to change, my entire perspective, my professional experience and, I do not think it would be an exaggeration to say, my life.

Julie has a unique way of empathizing, questioning, reflecting and helping me become more introspective and self-aware about my value system, stress response, blind spots and patterns of behavior. Through coaching, I’ve developed the insight and tools I need to unleash my full potential – and become the professional I aspire to be.”

Attorney, Top Tier Law Firm


Once you’ve completed the premium…

You’ll have the option to schedule “tune ups”

Tune Ups

As your coach, my goal is to help you manage your mind to elevate your energy – and then make myself superfluous. We’ll focus on getting to the root of what’s holding you back, so you can continue moving forward long after your coaching engagement wraps up.

Mental noise is an interesting phenomenon – and is, in some ways, analogous to radio noise. When the positioning of the dial is exactly where it needs to be to limit interference and you reduce distracting static just enough to hear, with clarity and ease, what you’ve been waiting for – you’re likely to relax, soak it all in. . . and crave more. Or, perhaps you hit a bump in the road and, because you weren’t as deliberately focused on the dial, it veers slightly off course, just enough for that familiar static to start creeping back in. 

In both scenarios, you have everything within you to get where you want to be. How do I know that? Because you’ve done it before. You may just need a tune up – some additional support and accountability to keep up the momentum. And, because of the foundation we laid during our engagement, we can jump right in, with a custom number of laser-focused coaching sessions to get you from where you are – to where you want to be.

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Interested but not ready to commit?

Dip your toes in with an assessment

What you get

I start each coaching engagement with an assessment that takes seemingly intangible feelings and concepts and distills them into a more accessible format. The assessment is called the Energy Leadership Index™ (ELI) and, as a Certified Master Practitioner, I’m pleased to offer it as a standalone service, too.

The ELI is an attitudinal assessment that measures how your beliefs, perceptions and energy impact how you show up and the results you achieve, personally and professionally. The ELI generates a high-level snapshot of your energetic profile and your energetic reaction to stress.

ELI assessment results require interpretation, so we’ll also schedule a debrief. It’s during this introspective meeting that you’ll gain insight into your default tendencies and patterns of behavior – and how they’re either propelling you forward or holding you back from complete engagement, fulfillment and success.

If you decide, after the assessment and debrief, that you’d like to move forward with coaching sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to do so.

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My premium 1:1 coaching is for powerful breakthroughs and clear insights, geared toward high achieving individuals. All of my programs are bespoke and specifically tailored to your needs. Please tell me about your situation and challenges. I look forward to building an approach that works for you!

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