
Hi, I’m Julie. And, for as long as I can remember, I’ve been a high achiever, too.

This is a pretty detailed bio, for two reasons: 1) I may soon have the pleasure of getting to know you; it’s only fair that you get to know me, too 2) so you can consider whether there are similarities between the contours of my story and yours.

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I was born and raised in New York City; part of a close-knit family of four.

My younger brother, and only sibling, was the center of my world and the catalyst that inspired each chapter of my career trajectory.

That’s because my brother has a disability – and his non-verbal communication paved the way for my empathetic approach, perceptivity and drive to become a social worker.

Social workers played an important role in my childhood; they helped people, they made an impact and they got stuff done.

I was absolutely convinced that social work was my calling.


As soon as I had a professional destination in mind, I embarked on a linear path to reach it – like any ambitious high achiever would.


I graduated summa cum laude from the University of Delaware so I could enroll in any ivy league graduate program and, two years later, with a 4.0 GPA, earned an MSW from Columbia University School of Social Work. 

I did exactly what I set out to do. And, less than six months later, I had an existential crisis. 

Social work was not my calling. But it was an important part of my circuitous professional journey. An incredible mentor from Columbia’s social work program helped me reengineer my career plan and land a job in the professional development department of a prestigious international law firm – Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton – where I worked for nearly a decade.

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I was surrounded by high achievers – in a role that was, quite literally, designed to help them achieve more. This was my calling.

So with renewed energy, laser-focused attention and more than a tinge of imposter syndrome, I worked hard. Much harder than anyone asked me to. I was driven by an insatiable desire to make an impact, and determined to develop connections and credibility. 

And I did. But, somewhere along the way, I lost track of who I was. My professional identity was my identity – full stop. I got into a rhythm that was initially sustainable but, over time, became difficult to maintain.

I was focusing more on doing [work] than on being [balanced, engaged, effective, fulfilled] and I knew something had to change.


I decided to become a Certified Professional Coach.

I had a view into the transformative impact of coaching, based on what I’d observed from others and experienced during industry events, and thought it would amplify my development work. 

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At this point, you know enough about my high achieving tendencies to know that I approached the process of identifying a coach training program with painstaking diligence.

I selected the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) – an extensive training program accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) – and never looked back. The process of becoming certified as a coach was nothing short of life changing.

Through iPEC, I reconnected with my values and discovered my purpose. I regained control of my mindset, elevated my energy and expanded my reach.

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I now live in North Carolina, with my own close-knit family of four.

I have two children – who are fueled by seemingly endless amounts of energy, know how to appreciate the little things in life and have taught me more than I could ever teach them – and a husband who inspires me, supports me – and encouraged me to turn my passion into a profession.

Coaching is the culmination of each step of my journey and I now know, without a shadow of a doubt, that my true calling is to share it with all of you.



What energizes me



Knowing, and owning, who you are drives optimal performance.


When we listen with curiosity and seek to understand each other, meaningful relationships develop.


How we feel impacts how we perform. Prioritizing well-being is fundamental in driving morale, motivation and productivity.


Aligning our values with our actions builds a competitive advantage.

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Education and Credentials

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