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Connection to colleagues is a critical contributor to workplace well-being, engagement and performance.

The positive impact of meaningful friendships on business outcomes has been extensively researched and consistently demonstrated.

This is data with tremendous practical value and – because of its relevance to high achievers, mindset and energy – it’s the foundation of my group coaching program.

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High achievers have a lot to gain from genuine, supportive, enduring friendships in the workplace. And, yet, they’re often relationally reserved.

They engage in surface-level socialization – focusing more on maintaining a professional veneer than on cultivating authentic connections. This is often related to draining and destructive mental noise and energy. Moving beyond superficial interactions to dynamic relationships with depth, dimension and utility requires mindset and energy shifts, grounded in psychological safety.

That’s where I come in.

I work with small groups of high achievers to elevate relational energy. I focus on creating a safe, open, synergistic and inclusive space – and facilitate discussions on a broad range of topics, related to mindset and energy management.

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Through group coaching, high achievers:

  • develop trusted confidants;

  • gain expanded insight into colleagues’ experiences (often learning they’re not alone in their insecurities; a powerful antidote for imposter syndrome);

  • engage with curiosity, humility and empathy in discussions across difference;

  • work through challenges as opposed to ruminating over and/or hiding from them;

  • explore best practices for stress management.

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When high achievers lean into the foundation of trust established in their groups, powerful results emerge.

As they shift from draining and destructive mental noise to elevated relational energy, they become more present, perceptive, collaborative and attuned to the experiences of others. These benefits are transferable to team dynamics and have positive implications for client interactions.

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“Julie does an outstanding job facilitating our group meetings. She is open and honest, thoughtful and empathetic, supportive and constructive.”

“I look forward to our meetings every week and I truly feel I have gained new and meaningful relationships at the firm because of this initiative.”

“I appreciate our sessions with Julie so much. She listens, she facilitates, she encourages us to think about why we’re feeling the way we do.”

feedback from Law Firm associates
